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What’s the purpose of Logo and Does it impact my company?

What’s the purpose of Logo and Does it impact my company?

What’s the purpose of Logo and Does it impact my company?

You’ve heard it before; a picture is worth a thousand words. A logo is just a symbol or image that represents a product or company. Logically we can say it’s the mirror of a company. Through the picture/logo, you immediately recognize the product or company behind the image. This is a super easy way to get the company’s products or brand. Logos serve to represent a given organization or company through a visual image that can be easily understood and recognized. A logo generally involves symbols, stylized text, or both. Logos are often created by a professional graphic artist or expert. Basically, a logo can be entirely abstract, symbolic, or textual.

Often, many critics raise a very common question of what’s the impact of a logo for the company.  As a web developer and graphic designer, I would say that the logo is a part of the organization/company’s identity; a logo must try to communicate the essence of a company or companies’ activities represented in a single image. Anyone can design a logo, but for a professional and meaningful one, only a few people can do this job. It’s a complete and final creative process that is heavy in research and consultation.

A logo isn’t intended to explain or directly sell a company. Instead, its sole purpose is to identify the company in a way that’s memorable and familiar. Our own experience is that many logos in the world don’t interpret their products and here’s just an example; Nike uses a check or tick mark as its logo. The tick mark or symbol does not explain what the company does or sells in any way, but it’s distinctive and recognizable to the consumers. A logo basically is a symbol of the company that is considered their identity or name tag in the business world. If a company logo that has existed for quite a long time and has been known and remembered by the world collaborates with another company, deciding to have slight changes in their logo, it would probably affect the whole thing. The overall structure of a company logo plays a vital role in having a strong impact on the general consumer. In my own experience, I’ve seen a lot of not-so-famous company logos that were almost as good as the logos mentioned, but they possess all of the factors named. A logo is meant to be long-term, as it is intended to become familiar to customers and promote brand loyalty.